Photo courtesy of sportsmediawatch.com

We all as Pittsburgh Steelers fans were most likely in tears with the retirement of long time General Manager, Kevin Colbert. But we also know the saying..”All Good Things Must Come To An End.” And at those endings..always brings on new beginnings.

ESPN analyst Louis Riddick has been mentioned as one of the front-runners for the new General Manager for the Steelers. This becoming well known after the University of Pittsburgh alum and football player made his speech at the Pitt commencement ceremony on Sunday.

Riddick, called Pittsburgh draft “great”..but because he knew that some would make a connection between him and the general manager vacancy for which he has interviewed.

“It’s funny, I tried not to concentrate on their draft too much,” Riddick said with a grin. “Because I didn’t want anyone going, ‘Ah, look at him, I see what he’s trying to do.”

I completely understand what Louis is trying to say. He is saying if he spoke too much on the Pittsburgh Steelers draft, the media would try to put 2 and 2 together..only to come up with 5. Because let’s face it, that’s exactly what the NFL media does.

But Riddick, a safety from Pitt drafted in the 9th round of the 1991 NFL draft interviewed with the Steelers back in March. And is actually only one of four candidates not currently tied down with any other NFL franchise. Still..he kept “tight-lipped” on the entire situation.

“I can’t say very much,” Riddick said. “Simply because this is something that it needs to play itself out. Obviously, everyone knows what my connection is to [Pitt] and this city — what that would mean for me, what that would mean for my family and how it would be kind of like a full-circle moment for me.

“But we’ll just let this play out. Obviously, there are a lot of other good candidates. Mr. Rooney is someone who I don’t think anyone here has any lack of trust in making the right decision, and he’ll do just that. However it shakes out, it won’t change my connection to this city, this university and anything else that’s involved. We’ll see what happens.”

Riddick. 53, has 13 years of front office experience beginning with the then Washington “Redskins” Commanders back in 2001. He then rose to director of player personnel in 2005 to 2008, before joining the Philadelphia Eagles as a pro scout.

After being promoted to Director of Pro Personnel, General Manager Howie did not renew his contract in 2013. Since then, Riddick has moved into the media world, with the occasional report that a team is considering him to be its general manager.

In my opinion, someone with such NFL experience both on the field, as a scout, in the front office and as an analyst should get a second or third look as a General Manager in the National Football League. And being a Pitt alum and Pennsylvania native, Louis Riddick should fit right in with the Pittsburgh Steelers. #HereWeGo

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